Elder Law Attorney in Parkersburg, WV
- Age & Disability Discrimination
- Asset Protection
- Avoiding Guardianship
- Competency
- Fiduciary or Financial Representation
- Financial and Estate Planning
- Grandparents’ Rights
- Guardianship
- Living Will Document Preparation
- Long-Term Care
- Medicaid & Insurance Issues
- Personal Family Matters
- Will & Trust Planning
- Planning for Adult Children with Special Needs
- Planning for Health, Personal, and End-of-Life Care
- Power of Attorney Document Preparation
- Probate
- Protecting the Continued Well-Being of a Healthy Spouse When the Other is Critically Ill
- Public Assistance
- Retirement Issues
- Rights of the Elderly & Disabled
- Veterans’ Benefits
The Steed Law Office will assist your family with working through the transitions involved with your senior or disabled family members and relevant long-term-care and end-of-life issues to ensure that each family member’s needs continue to be met as best as possible through all of the seasons of life.
It is important to prepare to make arrangements for appropriate medical care and treatment, appropriately handling financial issues, and planning for other unanticipated contingencies such as disability, terminal illness, incompetency, and other unfortunate situations that no one anticipates but that can prove to be devastating to a family’s well-being. The best strategy is to prepare to cover all contingencies as early as possible.
Attorney Debra L. Steed has experience handling issues that are particularly relevant to elderly and disabled residents of Parkersburg, WV and nearby vicinities. When financial demands for necessary medical and long-term-care expenses exceed available resources, Attorney Steed can assist your family with navigating the complicated and confusing options regarding paying for medical care needs. Attorney Steed provides advice and guidance when dealing with the following types of medical coverage and payment options:
- Veterans’ Benefits
- Long-Term-Care Insurance
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Private Pay with Client’s Own Assets
- Special Needs Medical Trusts
The Steed Law Office is here to assist you every step of the way. Contact Attorney Steed today and discover how advanced planning options can help save you and your family significant frustration and financial losses. Call: (304) 865-0880.
Debra Serves The Following Areas In West Virginia:
- Wood
- Pleasants
- Ritchie
- Wirt
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